It's personal
Published on September 1, 2005 By kith In WinCustomize Talk
Is there somehting special about The Skins Factory I don't know about?

I really hope and Admin or Mod could explain why only the TSF is allowed to link out submissions. Is any other author on this site afforded that privilege. I know WC is not so desperate for new submissions to bend the rules for one business that fronts as a skin author. I say we hold TSF to the same standard as all the members of this site. That is of course unless they are special.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 01, 2005
No special treatment is extended to any author in particular.
As a matter of fact I can easily create a skin theme to let's say, promote my own website and link it our of the WC library.
Judging by your comments on TSF latest theme, I can only assume that you have started this thread out of disgust due to the fact that you have to download a theme pack out of another site rather than individual downloads of each skin on this site. Further more, what you fail to see is that the theme you are complaining about is a commercial theme of Alienware by TSF; therefore Alienware has total control and saying on where and how the theme is distributed.
Now if you like the theme, download it and be happy, if you don’t want to go thru all the hoops, then don’t download it and enjoy the screenshots.
on Sep 01, 2005
Has anybody else ever done the "link to another page" thing?
on Sep 01, 2005
Has anybody else ever done the "link to another page" thing?

I use it all the time to display screenshots uploaded at imageshack. Or would that be considered different?
Personally, I don't chase after his stuff. To commercial for my tastes.
on Sep 01, 2005
Not in the gallery section generally.
on Sep 01, 2005
TSF isn't the only member linking to works offsite.  As much as is physically possible it's nice to see the works hosted here on WC rather than offlinked....but particularly in the case of commercial skinners, eg TSF, they are often 'limited' as to where their works are allowed to be hosted, but as a benefit to the community they DO provide links to the works on the community sites....
on Sep 01, 2005
Jafo - Show me one other skin that when I hit the "download" link on WC it takes you to another site for a download. It might be here somewhere but I have never seen it. I would love to know what other authors have been granted this privilege. I really would like to be proven wrong, as it would show a fair approach to submissions. Thanks, kith
on Sep 01, 2005
I'm pretty sure some of the Pixtudio works were/are like that, not to mention all the related works by people for proggies without a section here that are linked to places like Devart, etc.....and there are thousands of those...
on Sep 01, 2005

I just clicked a lot of download links for Pix skins and they all seem to be hosted on this server.... even the Zippo and nVidia stuff in the proper formats at that!!!

If you have a link please post it, or any other admin for that reason, I mean how many exceptions could there be, outside of TSF Skins that is!

I am not sure where the without a section gallery is, here is a link to the gallery list, where are these thousands of skins?

on Sep 01, 2005
What is your rant going to do, kith? Sorry for the lack of tact, but you are getting a quality skin for free. What is your complaint?
on Sep 01, 2005
nVidia stuff in the proper formats at that!!!

If you look again the nvidia reactor for Win Media links to a different site.
On the other hand WHO CARES?
on Sep 01, 2005
Kith, Im gonna add a download link to another site for my skins from now on. Maybe that will calm you down.
I mean, who the hell (besides you) cares how TSF links their skins. Just be glad you can get them for free. Jeesh, you are really dragind this thing way out of proportion. In all the time you have wasted ranting about this issue you could've download all the free themes from the Alienware site. You could've also installed them and delete the ones you didnt like.
A million plus users on this site and you're the only one having a heart attack over this.
on Sep 01, 2005
The complaint is the title of the thread, Is TSF given special consideration that other members/customers/authors/subscribers are not given?

This has nothing to do with the free nature of the skin.

I do not know why you feel the need to chime in on every post I make Mr. 500 thousand and change, is there something here that you feel relates to you or is this just another WC pile on... So be it, I have been here long enough I think I can ask a few questions of staff/admins if I feel it necessary.

on Sep 01, 2005
As a side note the Reactor skin was done by TSF also.
on Sep 01, 2005
Mr 500 thou' and change?
That must be moi.
Well for someone that has been here that much longer than me you really make too much of a fuzz over some meaningless, irrelevant thing. And it really doesnt relate to me at all, but the question is. How does it relate to YOU?? Or better yet, how does TSF or any author outlinking their skins damages or alters the WC community or the skinning community in general?
Authors will promote/distribute their work any way they possibly can or any way they are instructed to, and as long as they dont break any rules or laws I really dont see why anyone would make such a big fuzz.
on Sep 01, 2005
If you check the skin page(Link) then you at the bottum you can find logos of stardock and TSF ... means this is a joint venture of stardock, TSF, and Alienware. Alienware has selected TSF to create exclusive windows skins by using stardock's applications. This is a marketing strategy nothing else.

I suggest you to make TSF level skins ... beat them out and then complaint ... it is their matter, their strategies ... and their systems. If you want to complaint then you SHOULD discuss with higher authorities privately not publicaly.

have a nice day
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