It's personal
Published on September 1, 2005 By kith In WinCustomize Talk
Is there somehting special about The Skins Factory I don't know about?

I really hope and Admin or Mod could explain why only the TSF is allowed to link out submissions. Is any other author on this site afforded that privilege. I know WC is not so desperate for new submissions to bend the rules for one business that fronts as a skin author. I say we hold TSF to the same standard as all the members of this site. That is of course unless they are special.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 02, 2005
TSF - I can accept you telling me to get a life or even calling me petty. But to suggest a few post on this site mean I do not care about what is going on in the Gulf states is just barbaric. You are a cruel person, I hope that Alienware money buys your girlfriend and you a lot of hapiness.

Frog - Thanks for the further clarification on what is required for special treatment.

on Sep 02, 2005
What i said was the effort you've spent on whining could have been better spent on something more productive. Nothing i've said mentioned you didn't care what was happening in the gulf states. Maybe instead of 'getting a life' you might want to read a book.
on Sep 02, 2005
Crikey. It's your free choice: if you like it, download it, if you don't like it, don't download it. But for goodness sake quit whinging about it.
on Sep 02, 2005
oh and yeah to answer your question, The Skins Factory is special... just ask my mom.

And to the multitude who download and enjoy your skins without complaint. I did have a minor problem with the theme manager to begin with, but a couple of settings adjustments soon ironed it out....and I'm totally 'stoked' with the media player skin, it has to be the best one I've ever used.....take an 'A' in triplicate and go to the top of the intergalactic class
on Sep 02, 2005
I've always liked that 'interface' style of imagery in the something you might have seen in 2001 a Space Odyssey.....[and just about all S/F since]...
on Sep 02, 2005
Now i have to go and finish buying my girlfriend some replacement things since she lost everything as a former resident of New Orleans.

TSF...Please express my sadness over your girfriends loss as I believe everyone here at WC will echo my thoughts.
on Sep 02, 2005
TSF - You and many others will be in my thoughts. I'm sorry about your loss. Katrina was very brutal.
on Sep 02, 2005
Thanks for the well wishes. She'll be fine. I spent the last 2 days buying her a whole new wardrobe and we're looking into her transfering her to a new law college.
on Sep 02, 2005


Me and Jeff (TSF) have had plenty of arguments over the several years we've known each other. So I can assure you he doesn't get any special treatment because of he someone says nice things all the time.  While Jeff is my friend, the "special" treatment (which I don't really consider to be the case) his company receives is based on merit, I can assure you of that. 

TSF has brought many thousands (if not millions) of new people into skinning.  It's people like Jeff that have helped popularize skinning which helps everyone.

on Sep 03, 2005
A touch of pasites or a rough cut and paste?

.... treatment because of he someone says nice things all the time....
on Sep 03, 2005
It's people like Jeff that have helped popularize skinning which helps everyone.

I always thought that Bionic Dot raised the bar the most of any other skin to date. Now the Invader WMP skin might just have done it again.

TSF isn't the community award winner for most popular artist. If kith's issue had any substance? Wouldn't one, some, anyone have joined along his side?
on Sep 03, 2005
This same debate came up a lot when the alien morph suite was released. I think after the three threads settled down and the people saw that their life didn't end, and what they were left with was a great skin that they otherwise would not have gotten without buying an expensive computer, they were very pleased. But Jesh was being blasted by those who thought the giving of their e-mail address to get a skin was too much to pay. Oh brother. And then the size (good point, but again worth it), and lastly the link to another site. Kith must not have been around for that.
on Sep 03, 2005
who gives a flying crud?.. if ya want the skin, get it .. if not then dont .. it's not rocket science for peat's sake...
on Sep 03, 2005
Does anyone have that 'beating a dead horse' emoticon?
on Sep 03, 2005
Found one.
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