It's personal
Published on November 23, 2001 By kith In WinCustomize Talk
Anybody else have this problem? When I download a .wba file it downloads straightaway into my local IE cache folder without prompting. However if it is in .zip, and other extensions, it brings up the download box and allows me to choose the folder to place file into. I don't think I have changed any system settings and this only started happening in the last few days. Any ideas...?
on Nov 23, 2001
I've seen this too. Not sure what causes that.
on Nov 23, 2001
I'm gonna ditto that.
on Nov 23, 2001
Strange, that's new. It didn't use to do that... Indeed it does it every time now.
Have to right-click "save target as" for now...
on Nov 23, 2001
It's happened before. I always thought it was a choice on the Administrators' part.
on Nov 23, 2001
hmm... strange, it ain't happening to me.... getting the download box on both .zip and .wba!
on Nov 23, 2001
Right Click and "Save As", sometimes the simple things just don't even occur to you when you are used to doing soemthing a certain way! Thanks Paxx....
on Nov 24, 2001
This has been happening to me for months....I figured it had something to do with file associations....I've become a master of the right click.
on Nov 24, 2001
Same for me too
on Nov 24, 2001
Sounds like at some point you accidentally unchecked the "Always ask before opening this type of file" so that every time you click on the download link Internet Explorer decides to either download it to a default location or install it like when you double-click on a .wba file.
on Nov 24, 2001
I never changed settings. This has been happening to me recently too.
on Nov 30, 2001
I too have noticed this. Somehow one of the WB versions (probably a beta) changed the .WBA settings to NOT prompt on download. I'll see if I can get in and change them back (if this is indeed the issue).

If all works well, I'll report my findings. Otherwise, with whom at Stardock do we raise this issue?
on Nov 30, 2001
Yep - that is the culprit. Go into your "File Types" and look at the WBA properties. You will notice that the "Confirm open on download" (or something like that), will be UNchecked. You need to check that box. Zip files have this box checked, so they prompt for download location.

Who at Stardock is behind this? Let the guilty speak now, or forever be acursed!
on Nov 30, 2001
just to help us arm chair detectives out, which stardock employies have you had round your house lately?

it was probably one of them, playing with your IE settings

or perhaps it was someone else who wanted to make sure their skins were automatically installed on downloading
on Nov 30, 2001
What's actually the problem with this? If you want to save files, right-click and save as, but for most instances, people who click on skin archives in IE want them to be installed, so that's what WB does. Saves on people going "so what do I *do* with these?"
on Dec 01, 2001
Mr Einstein - Worked like a charm, thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

GreenReaper - For some people this might be a nice option. For me I have downloaded .wba files organized into specific folders and load skins from wbconfig. I usually only keep about 20 skins unpacked in WB at any given time. Downloading this way puts the .wba file into the local IE cache which gets deleted on regular basis. So if you delete the skin out of WB the only way to get it back is to download it again or pop in the CD... You also don't know if you're getting a .zip or .wba file. It is nice to know that it will work either way though, I like options...